Photo © Bodo Mertoglu
Photo © Bodo Mertoglu
Photo © Bodo Mertoglu
Photo © Bodo Mertoglu
Photo © Bodo Mertoglu
Photo © Bodo Mertoglu

Gaggenau Showroom London

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London, Great Britain

Vernacular brand architecture

In London’s Wigmore Street, affectionately known as “Kitchen Alley”, Gaggenau’s refurbished showroom stands out between leading kitchen and appliances brands as well as leading concept stores and restaurants.
As a two storey space within a Grade II listed property, its interior design pays homage to the capital. The local ubiquitous red brick is used in the style of the London Underground tiling, setting the tone of the room; meanwhile high ceiling racks, integrated into the open space, display selected material, product and manufacturing details, revealing the exceptional quality of the materials used by Gaggenau.
On the way to the lower floor, visitors can experience the 333 year history of the brand, while passing by the heritage wall. Using wood sourced from the Black Forest, the birthplace of Gaggenau, it captures key moments back to the foundation in 1683.
While the main floor is open for visitors, the lower floor maintains its privacy and is mainly used to extend the Live Experience, as well to include an office and training area.
Throughout, the mix of brick, stone, wood, steel and glass presents tactile variations that invite the visitor to touch as well as gaze at the latest array of ovens, cooktops, cooling and dishwasher appliances.

Other Projects by 1zu33

Gaggenau Restaurant 1683 LA
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Aesop Ludwig Beck
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Neff Showroom Loehne
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Flagship Store London
London, Great Britain
hansgrohe/Axor Booth ISH 2019
Frankfurt, Germany