Museum of the active kind

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Dortmund, Germany

Museum of the active kind

The roof of the museum will be built as an accessible terrace landscape – an urban space for soccer games, spectators, city walkers, cafe terraces, lying areas, etc. forming an arena on the museum in the city.

The building combines 2 urbanistic potentials: Symbolic value: a concise emblem both for the DFB and for the city Dortmund Functional value: the roof surface activates the building – in addition to the museum use - as a singular, lively space within the Urban space: the museum plays an active role in the city life.

The museum is altogether relatively low, reaches with his highest terrace field a height of approximately 15,5 m and is thus clearly lower than the buildings around, the city skyline remains perceptible.

Beside its remarkle silouhette the football museum should be a building for visitors of all social classes inviting and waking people´s interest. Thus there is no intention of designing a monument but a space for the enthusiastic population, a building they will be proud of.

Despite its complex spatial effect the building has a simple structure: It essentially consists of two components: a significant carrying structure and its in-between „hung up“ terrace platforms.

1st prize, asked to review

BWM Wien

DFB - Deutscher Fußball-Bund e.V.


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