Babyn Yar Synagogue

Kiev, Ukraine, 2021

Babyn Yar is a wooded area with a deep ravine located in the west of Kyiv, Ukraine, that used to mark the edge of the city. It is the sit...

Tambacounda Hospital

Tambacounda, Senegal, 2019

Tambacounda hospital is the main hospital of eastern Senegal, serving the region of Tambacounda with its 700.000 inhabitants, and beyond....

Sur Ses Épaules

Lyon, France, 2018

The design of the project pays homage to Tony Garnier, the modernist architect whose projects had a fundamental influence on Lyon. The st...

Ballet Mécanique

Zürich, Switzerland, 2018

In einem der Wohnquartiere im Herzen von Zürich, nahe am See und nur wenige Meter vom Heidi-Weber Museum von Le Corbusier entfernt, befin...

Rights on Carpet

San Francisco, 2017

The project "Rights on Carpet" is a carpet of about 150 square meters representing four important humanitarian treaties: the Geneva Conve...

Synagogue Mainz

Mainz, Niemcy, 2010

Few Jewish communities used to surpass the one of Mainz in importance and tradition. During the Middle Ages being the major center of rel...